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Services for Students in Need or Crisis
Our comprehensive training solutions feature world-class online curriculum, skills assessments, and real-world components for the best skill-building possibilities.
These assumptions provide the foundation for planning and delivering faculty development offered by the Brobst Center for Teaching and Learning Services.
Faculty learning is energized by opportunities to collaborate with peers about issues in teaching and learning.
People learn more through active construction of knowledge rather than through passive reception of information.
Good teachers are grown, fostered, and supported.
Teaching excellence increases student learning.
A collaborative culture strengthens an organization’s ability to achieve goals.
People have an inherent desire to learn and contribute.
Learning is both fun and rewarding.
We encourage professional development that:
Extends over time and is more likely to deepen teachers’ knowledge and to meet intended goals.
Reflects a supportive, respectful, and trusting climate which enables successful implementation of desired change.
Incorporates modeling, coaching, and feedback on the theories, strategies, and techniques that are research-based best practices for learning.
Tama Hall 110 319-296-4021 Email the Brobst Center for Teaching and Learning Services