Loan Periods, Fines, and Lost or Damaged Materials

You are responsible for all items checked out on your Hawkeye Library card. If you check out items for other people, you will be charged the fines if the items are not returned.

Library fines exist only to encourage timely return of library materials. Although our fines are modest, over a period of several days, the fines can add up quickly, especially if you have several items overdue. You may be held accountable for materials that are not returned; according to sections 808.12 and 714.5 of the Iowa Code, concealment of library materials or failure to return library materials constitutes theft.

You must be enrolled in the current semester in order to have “student” borrowing privileges.

Type of Material Checkout Information Fine
(home use)

Checkout Period: Entire semester

Students can check out one laptop.

Laptops cannot be checked out to the general public.
$25.00 / day
Electronic Devices

Checkout Period: Entire semester

Students can check out one electronic device.

Electronic devices cannot be checked out to the general public.
$25.00 / day
References Checkout not allowed.

Checkout period determined by faculty member placing the item on reserve.

Most reserve items cannot be checked out to the general public.
generally $1.00 / day

Checkout Period: 4 weeks; 3 day loan for popular videos.

Videos cannot be checked out to the general public.

Faculty members may checkout videos for up to four weeks for use in the classroom.
No daily fine

Checkout Period: 4 weeks

Faculty and staff may check out books for the fiscal year.
No daily fine
Periodicals Checkout Period: 4 weeks No daily fine

Lost and Damaged Materials

Unfortunately, library materials sometimes are lost or damaged. The person who checked out the items will be billed the replacement cost for each lost or damaged book and video.

Lost interlibrary loan items are assessed at $100.00 per item. You will be responsible for charges in excess of $100 if the lending library bills a higher amount. You are also responsible for costs associated with the damage of an interlibrary loan item, at the amount assessed by the lending library. You will be responsible for paying the total amount billed by the lending library, plus the accumulated overdue fines.

Unpaid Library Fines/Bills

If you have an unpaid fine or library bill, your library checkout privileges will be suspended until the bill is paid.

In addition, you will not be able to receive a transcript until this bill is paid in full.

Contact Information


Library building
Ask A Librarian

Regular Hours — Spring 2025

If campus is closed, the Library is also closed. This includes weather-related closings. See scheduled college closings.

January 9 – March 14, 2025 *
Monday – Thursday 7:00am – 8:00pm
Friday 7:00am – 4:30pm
Saturday Closed
Sunday (starting January 26) 12:00 – 4:00pm
* Change in Regular Hours
Sunday, January 19 Closed
Monday, January 20 Closed — Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Friday, March 7 Closed — Employee Development Day
Spring Break
March 15 – 23, 2025
Monday – Thursday 8:00am – 4:30pm
Friday – Sunday Closed
March 24 – May 9, 2025
Monday – Thursday 7:00am – 8:00pm
Friday 7:00am – 4:30pm
Saturday Closed
Sunday 12:00 – 4:00pm
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